Benefits of Stated Income Loans

Taking out a loan allows you to invest in new property and consolidate debt, but traditional loan applications involve a lot of paperwork, and getting denied for a low credit score can leave you feeling helpless. If you have been denied a traditional loan you may want to consider a stated income loan from Brickstone Funding Solutions. We offer stated income commercial real estate loans as an easy alternative to the traditional application process.

What You Need

When applying for a traditional loan, a loan officer will analyze your debt to income ratio, income and credit history. The decision to offer you a loan, and what kind of terms you qualify for are based on these factors.

Our stated income loans only look at the value of your real estate. As long as the property meets the value requirements, we can offer stated income loans to nearly every kind of property.

What We Offer You

If your property qualifies, here are a few things you can expect from our stated income loans.

  • Loan amounts as high as $500,000 and fixed 25-year rates.
  • W-2 and self-employment documentation.
  • A qualifying credit score as low as 600.
  • Most property types allowed.

We offer flexible loan-to-value rates depending on the property:

  • Up to 75% LTV for mixed-use/multifamily properties with 5 or more units.
  • Up to 70% LTV for non-owner occupied properties (between 1 and 4 units).
  • Up to 65% LTV for retail, office, auto service and self-storage property.

Our application process is streamlined in order to allow you to qualify and receive the funds you need more quickly than traditional loans. This quick turnaround allows you to more easily invest in a new property, finance renovations or consolidate debt.

Contact us today to find out how we can help you! Our goal is always to help you meet your business goals.